Good Mood Food

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Do you dread people asking you “how are you today?” Do you say “fine” but secretly you are groggy or grumpy, or maybe just feeling down or in a bad mood? Anxiety and depression symptoms are common in American adults and can affect relationships, work, and overall health. While there are common pharmaceutical and counseling solutions which are appropriate, there is an additional area that you can easily control which also is a very powerful tool affecting your mood. Let’s look at food and its impact on your brain and your mood.

Our brains are composed of some of the hungriest cells in our body. They need consistent fuel and have specific nutrient needs. Study after study  has demonstrated that eating a nutrient-dense diet that is low in sugar (like a Mediterranean style diet) can prevent and even be used to help treat depression. A diet that is rich in “good mood foods” that include B vitamins, good fats and important minerals helps boost our brain’s ability to utilize serotonin and other feel-good brain chemicals.

Here are a few key nutrients that can help lift your mood, and where to find them in foods:

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential building blocks of our brains. In fact, our brains are comprised of nearly 60% fat! EPA and DHA fatty acids found in cold water fish are the fats that help protect our brain and lower inflammation. Good sources of omega-3 fats include salmon, sardines and anchovies. (Check out these salmon and sardine recipes for inspiration.)

B Vitamins

Your brain needs B vitamins to initiate many essential chemical reactions which help prevent depression and heighten the effects of antidepressants. In particular, B12, B6 and folate are necessary for nerve cell functioning. B12 is a vitamin that predicts how fast our brain shrinks as we age. One key approach to slowing this process is to maximize our absorption of vitamin B12 by keeping our stomach and gut healthy and eating foods that concentrate B12. Sources of many B vitamins include leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds and lean meat. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products. While clams, mussels and oysters provide an especially high concentration, you can also gain benefit by eating small servings of high quality pastured eggs and meats.

Fiber and probiotics

It’s been well-established that serotonin is a powerful chemical in our brain that influences our mood. Studies suggest that 60%-90% of serotonin is in our gastrointestinal system (our gut) which makes it directly affected by our microbiome (the colony of bacteria that lives in our gut.) So, a good mood requires keeping our gut be happy and healthy. Also, the microbiome helps regulate our immunity, helps us absorb our nutrients and even creates chemicals that communicate with our brain. Fiber feeds these beneficial bacteria that are so crucial to our guts’ proper function. Probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi help create and balance a proper microbiome.

Vitamin D

A lack of vitamin D is associated with low mood, but also sub-optimal immunity. The best source of natural vitamin D is sunlight absorbed through the skin. However, if you have limited exposure to light, then taking a supplement may be helpful and is commonly necessary in the Midwest. Unfortunately, natural food sources of vitamin D are limited, and include sardines and cod liver oil. Those are probably not your first choices for dinner this week. Talk to your physician or Relish Health to gain a personal assessment of your level of vitamin D to customize a solution for you. 


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