Erica Leazenby, MD, IFMCP, Chef Erica Leazenby, MD, IFMCP, Chef

The Power of Functional Medicine Verified

Exciting news was released in the Journal of American Medical Association—JAMA Network Open this month. The highly esteemed journal just published the first-ever retrospective cohort study of the functional medicine model from the Center for Functional Medicine at Cleveland Clinic.

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Exciting news was released in the Journal of American Medical Association—JAMA Network Open this month. The highly esteemed journal just published the first-ever retrospective cohort study of the functional medicine model from the Center for Functional Medicine at Cleveland Clinic.

What is a functional medicine model? It’s not a new medical specialty, but rather a philosophy used to look at the body with a system-based approach to care. Functional medicine aims to understand how all the different parts of the body work together. It looks at a symptom as a sign of dysfunction and aims to identify the root cause of the problem rather than simply tame the symptom with medications. 

The recently released cohort study demonstrated that this model of care works! In fact, patients receiving care with a functional medicine model exhibited significantly larger improvements in patient-report quality of life outcomes at 6 months compared to propensity-matched patients that received conventional medical care. The results were sustained through 12 months and were reported as less likely to decrease over time. This is exciting news documenting the power of functional medicine!

Would you like to embrace this modern model of medical care? Schedule an appointment with Relish Health to get started. 

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