How to Navigate the Holidays While Practicing a Low-Carb Lifestyle

Over the traditional holiday season it can become stressful and challenging to keep to a keto or low-carb meal plan. Here are a few tips for staying on plan and navigating the holidays:

  • "Staying on plan" means you have a plan to follow. Remind yourself of the goals you set, the lifestyle commitment you made to yourself and the reasons behind your plan. There is no gain by going back to high-carb foods.

  • If your friends or family are pushing you to eat high carb foods, you can acknowledge their request and redirect the conversation. "Thanks! I've been working hard, and feel really great. Go ahead, and I'll have some of this . . . (low carb alternative).

  • Bring your own low-carb dishes to share at the table.

  • If you feel ill, tired or are not feeling well, choose bone broth, tea or warm water for comfort foods. Sometimes fasting brings relief while letting your digestion rest.

  • Manage stress with relaxation techniques like taking a walk, meditating or exercising. Limit alcohol and avoid overeating (particularly high-carb foods) when stress hits.

  • Plan and celebrate your favorite traditions that are not related to food or look for low-carb versions of your favorite seasonal dishes.

  • Overcome the winter blues with a walk or an activity that provides extra daylight or exposure to bright lighting. Music, dancing, walking, and connecting with others can all help.

  • If you choose to go off plan, jump back on as soon as you can! Go very low carb for at least 2-3 days. Drink water and bone broth. Plan to eat 3 low-carb meals a day until your hunger is back in check.

Be kind to yourself. Surround yourself with good options to enjoy and you will navigate the holidays healthier.



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