Reverse Cognitive Decline With The Bredesen Protocol

Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 5 million Americans of all ages and it is estimated that 1 in 10 people age 65 and older have the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is more common in advanced age, however this chronic disease epidemic is not a normal part of aging. Genetics play a role in the disease, but the majority of risk for the illness relates to modifiable lifestyle factors in our daily control. While there are no current cures for it, new research is giving us hope for decreasing the risk, slowing its progression and even reversing decline using functional medicine.  

What is The Bredesen Protocol™? 

The Bredesen protocol was created by a team of scientist led by Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD, Professor of Neurology at UCLA. Research suggests Alzheimer’s disease is not a single condition, but is a response to inflammation, suboptimal levels of nutrients, and toxic exposures that are influenced by at least 36 metabolic factors. The factors include micronutrients, hormone levels, and sleep, etc. Dr. Bredesen’s research suggests that abnormalities in these metabolic factors can trigger “downsizing” in the brain.

Dr. Bredesen and his team developed a new personalized therapeutic approach to treating this devastating condition by addressing the underlying causes of the suboptimal metabolic factors. The protocol is not a cure, but participants in the program have shown cognitive stabilization and improved cognition documented using both subjective and objective measures. 

The program begins with a “Cognoscopy™,” a term coined by Dr. Bredesen, describing a thorough review of blood work, genetic tests, and metal status assessments. A formal document called a “ReCODE Report™” is generated from the gathered information. It evaluates the risk factors that can cause neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, allowing the physician and participant to chart a personalized course to prevent or reverse cognitive decline. 

The “Cognoscopy™” address the following areas of health:

  1. Inflammatory causes of cognitive decline, such as:

    • Imbalances in fatty acids

    • Sugar-damaged proteins

    • Prolonged exposure to infectious pathogens

    • Having the ApoE4 allele (Alzheimer’s gene)

    • Other stressors that cause chronic inflammation

  2. Atrophic causes of cognitive decline, such as:

    • Hormonal imbalances

    • Insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or diabetes

    • Nutrient deficiencies

  3. Toxic causes of cognitive decline, such as prolonged exposure to:

    • Heavy metals (mercury or copper)

    • Biotoxins

    • Pesticides

    • Organic pollutants, such as mold

Information from the “Cognoscopy™” is used to develop a highly specific treatment plan for each Bredesen protocol participant. Treatment plans often include:

  • Specific nutrition regimens and diets with a focus on a plant-based, ketogenic diet

  • Exercise programs encouraging aerobic and strength training

  • Brain training to enhance the brain’s neuroplasticity

  • Sleep regimens, which includes obtaining seven to eight hours per night and testing for obstructive sleep apnea if approprate

  • Hormone replacement therapy if necessary

  • Meditation and other stress-relief programs or treatments

  • Health coaching to optimize your personalized program

  • Specific medications, if needed

Who is a good candidate for the protocol?

The Bredesen Protocol™ is a rigorous program that requires many significant lifestyle changes. It takes tremendous dedication. People who strictly adhere to the recommended diet, supplementation routine and lifestyle changes find the most success. 

Ideal candidates include:

  • People diagnosed with early dementia or mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease

  • People who have concerns about their own memory or cognition

  • People with a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease wishing to prevent the illness before symptoms develop

  • People with the ApoE4 genetic variant

Note:  Someone under nursing care is unlikely to benefit. In the majority of these cases, the person may be either too far advanced in cognitive decline or unable to properly implement the broad range of diet and lifestyle interventions required by the protocol.

How long is the protocol?

Maintaining cognitive function gains is dependent upon lifelong maintenance of the lifestyle modifications prescribed by the program.  

How to Learn more about the Program?

The Bredesen Protocol™ by Apollo Health


Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Bredesen Algorithm™, Bredesen Protocol™

Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 MPI Cognition™, ReCODE Protocol™, ReCODE Report™, Cognoscopy™


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