Relish Health Gift Guide 2020

It’s that time of year again when we think about how to show our love to family, friends and community. What shall we give after this very challenging year? Gifts don’t necessarily come wrapped in a little box to make a big difference. Consider some of these options:

The Gift of Time

Some of the most meaningful gifts are gifts of time.

  • We can volunteer. Being deliberate about calling (or visiting if appropriate) elders, cooking for people with stressful circumstances, reading virtually to elders or children, pitching in to clean a park, serving meals at a shelter are just a few examples. My family will be collecting supplies for Outreach, a local organization that supports homeless youth. Volunteering is good for your community and good for your soul and health. 

  • We can spend time with someone we love. The pandemic has changed how we socialize leaving many people feeling lonely. Spending time with friends and family is not only enjoyable, but also contributes to better health. Be creative with ways to safely interact. Consider a virtual board game or music recital together. Consider reading a play aloud on Zoom after assigning parts. Or make a kitchen date with people in your COVID circle. Make 3 pots of soup and split the proceeds to stock your freezer. There’s nothing like laughter to season the soup to perfection. This Morrocan lentil soup is a family favorite.

  • We can make something for someone we love. Imagine how much your dear friend would love 2 quarts of soup or a soup assortment! Or a box of dark chocolate bark, a bag of homemade granola or salted date caramel turtles all dolled up in a box with ribbon. A work of art, a lovingly knit cowl, or a hand-sewn sachet filled with lavender and rose petals fall into this category, too. 

The Gift of Health

The New Year is a perfect time to renew focus on health. 2020 has taken a toll on physical and mental health for many people. Consider giving devices or experiences that can gently help your loved ones reclaim healthy habits.

  • Wearable fitness devices are revolutionizing the way we monitor our health. I continue to marvel at the technology that is available for home use. If you or your loved one are driven by data, these devices can help you monitor and optimize your health trends. These are some of my top picks:

    • The Oura Ring can be worn both day and night to capture activity, movement and sleep data. This data is used to calculate scores for “Readiness, Sleep, and Activity” giving you an accurate read on your overall health. The Oura Ring only uses Bluetooth during data downloads and can be safely used on a regular basis for those that are concerned about EMF exposure.

    • The Apple Watch has the capacity to monitor blood oxygen levels, electrocardiogram (ECG) and can provide notification for high and low heart rates or irregular heart rhythms. I personally use an Apple watch to monitor my steps, sleep pattern and daily heart rate variability (HVR).

  • Comprehensive lab and lifestyle assessment At Relish Health I have many tools to provide detailed evaluations of one’s nutritional status, hormone balance and stress levels to help make a personalized plan for optimal wellness. Learn more about available tests here.

The Gift of Wisdom

As a bookophile I believe books are always a great gift. These are a few books on my recently enjoyed list and wish list.

  • The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron. I’ve taken Enneagram questionnaires in the past but this year felt like a good time for more self discovery and reflection. The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, both positively and negatively. The book allows you to learn more about yourself, but also start to see the world through other people's eyes, understanding how and why people think, feel, and act the way they do.

  • The End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age by Dale Bredesen. Memory loss and brain fog are not a part of normal aging. This book gives hope to the millions of people who may be suffering from cognitive changes. As a certified Bredesen Protocol provider, I can help you or your loved one implement this life changing program.

Some gifts never go out of style. Check out the gift guides from
2018 and 2019.

(This blog post is not sponsored by any manufacturer. However, at no cost to you, Relish Health may receive a commission on purchases made through an Amazon link.)


Preserved Lemons


Prebiotic-rich Potato Leek Tart (Grain-free)