Advice for Staying Regular When You Travel

I believe travel is an important part of life. It expands our understanding of the world around us which makes us better humans. Meeting new people, seeing amazing beauty, having special time with loved ones and trying new foods can be transformative. Unfortunately, there can be a side effect. If you get constipated when you travel, you are not alone. Disrupting our regular routine, changing time zones and eating that new food can be hard on our gut health. Try some of these strategies to help you worry less and have more adventure. 

Focus on fiber and bring (organic) prunes.

Fiber is magic for constipation. Fiber is the indigestible component of food that adds bulk to our stool. Traveling can make it challenging to eat your daily fiber minimum. Bringing fiber supplements along for the ride can make your journey easier. Prunes are a great option. They travel easy and make a sweet snack on the go. Many people only need three to four to maintain a regular bowel movement. Other great options include chia seeds to add to smoothies, psyllium husk or ground flaxseed. Berries are also rich in fiber and antioxidants. 

Stay hydrated.

Dehydration can be a big culprit contributing to constipation. Travel with a favorite refillable water bottle and aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. 

Drink something warm.

The warm beverage with or without caffeine can trigger motility. Regular or herbal tea, hot water or coffee are all great options. A small amount of caffeine such as a cup of coffee or espresso may be helpful for resetting the gut and getting things moving. If drinking caffeine, enjoy the cup in the morning so that it does not interfere with your sleep and melatonin production. 

Take magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral found abundantly in the body and involved in many different enzymatic reactions in the body. There are several different types of magnesium, but in particular magnesium citrate is a safe laxative. I recommend that people start with one capsule per night and increase every one-three nights by one capsule until they get soft stools once or twice per day.

Even with a combination of these tips, some people still feel “off” while traveling. That’s ok. Give yourself a day or two to recover. However, if constipation is a regular occurrence there may be something more significant for you to address. Schedule an appointment with Relish Health and let's figure it out together. 


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